Virginia Hall: The Dauntless Spy
Working as an Allied spy undercover was demanding. They pretended to be ordinary citizens, creating false names, documents, and cover…
Massacre in Bucha
The tension between Russia and Ukraine is at an all-time high. The war has not just distorted the named states…
Who rules Pakistan – Army, Prime Minister, or Money Lenders like China and USA?
Who controls Pakistan? … Who rules Pakistan? You might right away answer this by stating that it is Pakistani Military.…
Battle off Samar: Pivotal Moment of Naval History
The United States and the Imperial Japanese Empire were at war after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December…
The Prodigious Ruler: Alexander III of Macedon
Greek poleis, or city-states, remained autonomous during the first half of the fourth century B.C. As each polis focused on…
Archer Blood: The True Friend of Bangladesh
The year 1971 will go down in Indian subcontinent history as a watershed moment. Between March and December, the world…
John Lee – CCP’s sole contender for the upcoming Hong Kong Elections?
Upon the current Chief Executive Carrie Lam announcing her recantation from seeking the second term in office, John Lee has…
Is China Africa’s New Colonial Overlord
China is currently the second-largest economy in the world thanks to the economic reforms brought under the efficient mentoring of…
Military Coup at Myanmar – Status Update
It has been a year since the military junta couped and took over Myanmar under broad daylight. The instance did…
China’s regular incidents of ‘intimidating’ neighbors, irks the US
China and Russia are the two biggest superpowers in Asia in all aspects. While Russia is known for extorting and…