The Forgotten Freedom Insurgence: Indian Navy Mutiny of 1946
Some events and people are remembered more than others, which is likely the natural flow of history. The struggle for…
China in the midst of Human Rights Abuse
China is currently facing a global backlash and huge uproar concerning its extremely aggressive stance against the libertarian essence of…
India and Russia: A Testimony to Longstanding Relations
India’s relationship with the former Soviet Union/Russian federation is built on mutual trust and shared interests. India benefited industrially from…
Tension Intensifies between Russia and Ukraine – World War 3 Anticipated
Tensions continue to peak between Russia and Ukraine in the recent past. Situations continue to take a grimmer turn between…
Wartime Communications since World War I
World War I At the start of World War I, opposing armies were equipped to varied degrees with contemporary signal…
Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan and new resurgence of Terrorism
The South-Asian part of the continent, particularly the bordering nations of Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Kyrgyzstan are known for fostering terrorism…