As of November 30, 2022, anyone can use ChatGPT (Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer). A chatbot prototype named ChatGPT was made available by OpenAI. The AI-powered chatbot, which can produce code and handle various other sophisticated questions and requests, is gaining more appeal than earlier chatbots.

I wanted to investigate the security implications of the most recent newsworthy development and how it can affect privacy, data, and threat actors because the societal ramifications of AI will continue to evolve as the technology is employed more widely.

Over the years, many of my co-workers have predicted that something will fundamentally alter the security landscape and significantly impact the cyber security business. The likelihood that AI advancements will lead to anything is growing.

Cutting-edge technological advancements frequently make headlines for a short while before fading into academic or commercial applications, but AI is increasingly becoming a normal part of life. Through chatbots, online commerce, fraud detection, and voice assistants, we frequently interact with AI without realizing it. Although security research in this field is expanding, implementing the best practices suggested in that research may need to catch up with current technological advancements.

Despite the fact that ChatGPT, a favorite on the Internet, has grown in popularity over time! But, I have also discovered certain flaws in ChatGPT, a recent creation from OpenAI. ChatGPT content is the issue. 

There are various Flaws of ChatGPT that you could have missed.

Older design: Based on online-accessible training data from 2021, ChatGPT is currently available. There may be slight differences in the outcomes it gives because it is already two years old, and the SAP ecosystem has changed significantly since then. Even more sophisticated ChatGPT-4 is expected to debut in 2023. What enhancements will it make to ABAP writing? Wait and see, then.

Response quality: ChatGPT will inevitably give incorrect responses because it is “simply” a language model. In light of this, it might be wise to rely only partially on its production. I suggest verifying the solutions it offers using one of two trustworthy sources.

There is only text: ChatGPT provides text-based findings. This means that we still require someone to handle non-code setups, fill out customized tables, transport changes, put code into an ABAP editor, and possibly debug to identify issues.

Provide Inaccurate Information: I noticed a couple of situations where ChatGPT’s use was constrained because it couldn’t provide precise answers to the questions. It provides inaccurate and irrelevant text since it is unable to understand and adapt to specific inquiries. This AI model cannot always be relied upon to produce correct results, making its usage or trust risky at times.

Extremely Formal: The bias in ChatGPT’s output prevents it from unwinding and behaving naturally. Instead, it typically gives formal responses. Humans, on the other hand, frequently reply to questions in a less official, more casual manner using everyday language and slang. The answers also lack humor, analogies, and sarcasm, which can make ChatGPT content too formal for a variety of content.

Provides summaries: I feel that ChatGPT’s academic works lacked depth on the subject. ChatGPT summarises the topic without offering any unique viewpoints. People create using knowledge, but they also include their own opinions and experiences.

The inability of language models: to comprehend or interpret word and phrase meaning in the same way that people do is another drawback. They can simply produce text using the patterns and connections they have discovered from training data. This implies that they might not always be able to respond to more complicated or abstract topics in a nuanced or intelligent manner.

What could go wrong with this technology?

Keeping tabs on the enormous number of code vulnerabilities is already a burden for the cybersecurity community. Because AI is quicker and more intelligent than humans at identifying weaknesses, these numbers will rise much further. We could witness the weaponization of freshly discovered vulnerabilities in minutes rather than days if AI coders were combined with them. The impact of this discovery on the development of technology may equal, for example, that of the invention of the iPhone or the widespread use of the Internet. Will a service like ChatGPT have a comparable influence on the kind of inflection they brought about in the years to come? Perhaps even more? ChatGPT’s future success or failure will only become apparent with time.

AI is not yet better or faster, but we anticipate it will be. One day, AI will be able to identify weaknesses, turn them into weapons, and create payloads, all without the help of humans.

Chat-GPT is an excellent first step; it is not a panacea for search or chat. Rather, it is a very significant improvement. Using ensemble methods to go from text to multimodal input and output is what I think the next step will do to really alter the game. Moreover, it should be emphasized that Chat-GPT appears to be getting better as we use it, so many of the points I made above might not be relevant even in a week, based on how quickly I am observing things getting better right now.

“Chat-GPT is a subset of OpenAI’s GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) language model. Like other language models, Chat-GPT is intended to produce text that closely resembles human speech based on the input it gets. It can produce a variety of responses to different prompts and questions because it was trained on a sizable text dataset.

My Honest Verdict

To sum up, Chat GPT is a potent natural language processing technology with a variety of uses. It also has certain drawbacks, such as a limited comprehension of context and background information, a hard time recognizing irony and sarcasm, a lack of common sense and general knowledge, and a restricted capacity to comprehend and react to complex inquiries. Moreover, ethical issues such as bias in training data, misuse and abuse of technology, influence on job displacement, and loss of human interaction, privacy, and security must be taken into account.

Considering what I’ve said thus far, I can categorically state that this software is among the most creative real-world chatbot instances and has a wide range of potential applications. However, I recommend that you consider it as a fantastic and extremely valuable tool that can greatly improve your performance in this area rather than a solution to completely automate your content creation.

In the end, Chat-GPT is a brilliant model that has the potential to generate chaos.