faiz hameed

There is no better country than Pakistan that really brings the quote “no permanent friends or enemies” to life. 

Take for example the present Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif’s brother, former PM Nawaz Sharif – He elects General Pervez Musharraf to lead the Pakistan Army and in turn, General Musharraf thanks him by toppling his government! 

Let’s look at another recent failed love affair – the now jailed former Prime Minister Imran Khan in 2019 fought to extend the then Pakistan Military chief, General Bajwa’s tenure for 3 years but as soon as that was approved, General Bajwa brought down Khan’s PTI government  with such vengeance that till today the party, its leader and its supports are all in chaos!

So the story of the recent arrest of Pakistan’s once respected former Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) Chief Faiz Hameed, is not very surprising. Here’s a quick look at what’s happening to General Faiz Hameed.

Petition and Allegations Against Faiz Hameed 

In November 2023, a petition was filed with the Supreme Court of Pakistan by Moeez Ahmed Khan, proprietor of Top City Real Estate and Residential Complexes in Islamabad. This petition lodged nearly 6 year after the events in question, alleges that on May 12, 2017, Pakistan Rangers and ISI officials conducted a raid on Khan’s business premises and residence. The raid, purportedly related to a terrorism investigation, reportedly resulted in the seizure of valuable assets including gold, diamonds, and cash. However, the timing of the petition and the motivations behind it remain unclear which leave questions about why the allegations have resurfaced at this particular juncture.

Accusations of Political Interference on Faiz Hameed

Pakistan’s Defence Minister, Khwaja Asif, has accused Faiz Hameed of political interference in violation of the Pakistan Army Act, which prohibits army officials from engaging in political activities for two years following retirement. Asif alleges that Hameed played a strategic advisory role during the attack on May 9, 2023, which was reportedly orchestrated by supporters of former Prime Minister Imran Khan.

Political Ties and Past Controversies

Faiz Hameed, who was previously instrumental in bringing Imran Khan to power in 2018 and orchestrating Nawaz Sharif’s ouster in 2017, has faced accusations from Sharif and his daughter, Mariam Nawaz. They have alleged that Hameed manipulated the 2018 general elections to favor Khan, interfered in post-election coalition formations, and organized demonstrations to pressure the PML-N government. These actions were reportedly aimed at securing Khan’s rise and ensuring Sharif’s removal. 

  • Equation with Sharifs – Nawaz Sharif and his daughter Mariam Nawaz have accused Faiz Hameed of manipulating the 2018 general elections to benefit Imran Khan. They allege that Hameed interfered in post-election coalition formations, organized demonstrations to pressure the PML-N government, and later negotiated with them to have the demonstrations called off. At that time, Faiz Hameed was leading the ISI’s Counter Intelligence Division. General Bajwa aimed to remove Nawaz Sharif and bring Imran Khan to power. To support this motive, Hameed used his influence to assist Gen Bajwa to bring a regime change in Pakistan following a controversial election marred by allegations of massive rigging. This action created a strained relationship between Faiz Hameed and the Sharifs, who are now in power.
  • Equation with current Army Chief – General Asim Munir, the current Chief of Army Staff of Pakistan, served as ISI Chief from 2018 to 2019, a notably brief tenure of less than a year. His short-lived role as ISI Chief was largely due to then-Prime Minister Imran Khan’s dissatisfaction with him. Khan suspected Munir of uncovering compromising information about his third wife, Bushra Bibi, and accused Munir of being directly involved in her imprisonment. This rift between Khan and Munir remains significant to this day. In 2019, Khan sought to have General Bajwa replace Munir with Faiz Hameed as ISI Chief, which explains the ongoing tension between Hameed and the current Army Chief, Asim Munir.

Given Faiz Hameed’s close relationship with Imran Khan, it is likely he anticipated not only a prolonged tenure as ISI Chief but also a potential promotion to Army Chief. However, a falling out occurred between Khan and then-Army Chief General Bajwa over several issues. General Bajwa sought to remove Hameed as ISI Chief and replace him with Lieutenant General Naveed Anjum. Consequently, in October 2021, Hameed was appointed as Peshawar Corps Commander, and Naveed Anjum took over as ISI Chief in November 2021.

Hameed faced another setback when he was overlooked for the Army Chief position, even though his name was included in a panel of senior generals submitted to then-Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif in November 2022. Imran Khan’s ouster later in 2022 and the appointment of Asim Munir as Army Chief on the day of his retirement further strained the relationship between Hameed and Munir. This tension illustrates the complex dynamics involving both the Sharif family and General Munir.

Hameed’s arrest not only highlights allegations of corruption but also underlines the deep tensions prevailing within Pakistan’s military and its relations with political leaders. 

The Regime Change

Allegations have emerged that the regime change in Pakistan was engineered with external assistance. Notably, U.S. involvement has been suggested, with claims that Assistant Secretary of State Donald Lu warned the Pakistani ambassador in Washington about the potential benefits of removing Imran Khan to improve U.S.-Pakistan relations. These allegations, linked to the “cypher controversy” first raised by Khan in March 2022, have been denied by Lu and dismissed as conspiracy theories.

Further complicating the situation, during his tenure, Faiz Hameed also traveled to Kabul following the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan after the U.S. withdrawal of troops, drawing attention from the U.S. Subsequently, members of Jamat-e-Islami, led by Maulana Fazul Rehman, became notably active. Rehman began to publicly criticize Imran Khan and his government and initiated a pro-democracy movement aimed at restoring democratic norms. With significant U.S. influence, a vote of confidence was orchestrated, managed by the Pakistani military and ISI, which ultimately resulted in Imran Khan’s defeat. By that time, General Asim Munir had already assumed the role of Army Chief.

Faiz Hameed’s current predicament is largely attributed to his close association with Imran Khan, while the broader political dynamics are perceived to be under significant influence from the United States. This situation exemplifies how domestic political issues can acquire international dimensions, reflecting a shift from Western to Eastern geopolitical concerns.

Reflecting on a past interview of former ISI Director General Hamid Gul, it can be said that the appointment of the Chief of Army Staff (COAS) typically requires U.S. approval. Hamid Gul had been a vocal critic of the U.S. during his tenure with the ISI, which, coupled with Pakistan’s dependence on American support, raised concerns within the establishment about potential adverse effects on military cooperation.

The Faiz Hameed case is definite proof of how domestic political dynamics in Pakistan are intertwined with international pressures, revealing a broader pattern of influence and intervention that extends from Western powers to Eastern political landscapes with learning quotes of recent coup in Bangladesh…and surprisingly even Pakistan’s Army is not safe from this interference.

By thewonk