A new year and a new Virus gift from China. China reports a new disease outbreak almost five years after the COVID-19 global pandemic in 2019-2020. On Friday, China confirmed the Human metapneumovirus (HMPV) surge in their country. Moreover, China’s foreign ministry spokesperson Mao Ning de-emphasized the virus by saying “Respiratory infections tend to peak during the winter season in the Northern Hemisphere. The diseases appear to be less severe and spread on a smaller scale compared with the previous year.” She assured that the Chinese government cares for the Chinese and foreign citizens and that it is safe to travel to China. Numerous viruses, such as influenza A, HMPV, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, and COVID-19, are reportedly circulating in China, according to certain social media users. There is no official confirmation, but there are rumors that China has proclaimed a state of emergency.
Human Metapneumovirus (HMPV)
Human metapneumovirus (HMPV) typically produces symptoms that resemble a cold. It shares a strong relationship with respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and was initially discovered in 2001. Respiratory infections are the main symptom of HMPV, especially in young children, the elderly, and people with impaired immune systems. Common signs of HMPV include fever, coughing, congestion in the nose, and shortness of breath. The incubation period of the disease may vary from 3 to 6 days.
Close physical contact, such as touching or shaking hands, contacting objects or surfaces that have the viruses on them, and then touching the mouth, nose, or eyes, is the most likely way an infected individual might transmit HMPV to others. The National Respiratory and Enteric Virus Surveillance System (NREVSS) reports that late winter and spring are the times when HMPV is most common in temperate climates. As of right now, no vaccination against HMPV has been produced.
India reports its First case of HMPV

An 8-month-old girl child at a private hospital in Bangaluru has been found to have HMPV; despite having no travel history, the youngster tested positive for the virus, and subsequent tests conducted at the hospital lab have verified this finding. The news was promptly communicated to the Union Health Ministry by the Karnataka Health Ministry. For additional testing and genome sequencing, the sample was forwarded to the National Institute of Virology. The testing is required firmly as there has not been any HMPV stain available in India till now so for the cross-verification of the HMPV stain found in the 8-month-old baby India has to wait for the HMPV stain that is spreading in China, Because the Child had not any travel history. As of now, India reported four cases of HMPV and mask-wearing has become mandatory in Karnataka. Maybe HMPV would not have that much effect like COVID-19 but The Health ministry is not ready to leave any stone unturned.
A story may be similar to COVID-19 which was falsely narrated by China in 2019
Despite the Chinese foreign spokesperson’s assertion that it is merely a wintertime sickness, China’s hospitals are overloaded with patients, most of whom are youngsters and elderly. However, there was a similar situation arose during the early days of the COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan city of China. China tries to show the world that this is merely a flu season like every other year, but it increases its surveillance of unidentified respiratory emergencies. Numerous viral videos on social media demonstrate that the true nature of the disease that China claims to have been different. The disease was more prevalent in China’s northeast regions, such as Beijing, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Hebei, and Tianjin. HMPV has been known for three decades now but there is no vaccine such as and there is no specific treatment. Furthermore, the WHO insisted a few days ago to provide the COVID-19 data following five years of the pandemic. China has its words, “Regarding COVID-19 traceability China has consistently promoted participation in international scientific traceability methodologies and maintained the spirit of scientific openness and transparency while adamantly opposing political manipulation in all its manifestations. China has gone above and above in terms of openness and transparency”. However, WHO experts criticized China’s strict restrictions on Covid-19 data access in 2023.
Are the viruses China’s modern warfare tactics?
The COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated how a biological agent, whether man-made or natural can cause tremendous disruptions to economies and society of the world. The U.S. State Department reportedly obtained the leaked documents, which were reported by Australian media. The report claims that Chinese military scientists had discussed weaponizing coronaviruses in 2015, nearly five years before the first COVID case was identified in the Chinese city of Wuhan.
There is ample proof that the virus was created in the lab and purposefully transmitted over the world. The Chinese authorities reportedly claimed to have sanitized Wuhan when the pandemic struck, but the actual situation was different, as seen by videos posted by Chinese internet users showing that quarantine was brutally enforced. When three reporters covering the COVID-19 cases were arrested and then vanished entirely a few days later, the situation deteriorated. Adding to that the Chinese scientists figured out the genome sequence of the new virus in just less than two weeks of the first case of COVID-19. At first, WHO praised China for sharing information about a disease named COVID-19 with the international community but the everyday people of China were unaware of the disease because they implied strict restrictions on the leak of the information which led to the death of the whistleblower of the COVID-19 Dr. Li Wenliang.
African countries, where a quarter of China’s investment cash goes, have seen fewer COVID-19 cases and fatalities than other regions of the world. After the epidemic, the developed Western nations borrowed a lot of money to boost their economies, but they were stuck in a massive debt trap that further hindered their progress. So, all this gathered information is signaling towards only one conclusion China is using its biological weapon warfare tactics to tackle the world, and maybe we are heading towards another biological war in the form of HMPV.