global warming and its looming threats

This article contains:

  • Causes of Global Warming
  • Extreme Events: Unprecedented Challenges
  • Impact on Human Lifestyle
  • Efforts by UN
  • Climate Action: Technological Innovations
  • Public Awareness and Education

The year 2023 was marked by extraordinary heat, wildfires and weather disasters. In the US, an unprecedented heatwave for the entire month of July gripped Texas and Southwest with the temperature rise to over 100-degree Fahrenheit. Florida was flooded with 25 inches of rain in 24 hours in April 2023. Wildfires ravaged Hawaii, Louisiana and many other states. Canada’s worst fire on record sent thick smoke all across North America. 

The actions of humans have profoundly disrupted the ecosystem. With the increasing reliance on fossil fuels and exploitation by industries, increases the vulnerability of this plant. Global warming is not just an environmental issue; it has dire consequences on health and the well-being of the future generations.

Causes of Global Warming

Global warming is primarily driven by greenhouse gases which trap heat causing rise in global temperature.

  • Burning of Fossil Fuels – the combustion of mainly carbon-based fuels, used for transportation, industries and domestically as a natural gas, release carbon dioxide (CO2) which is the potent gas responsible for absorbing heat. 
  • Deforestation – deforestation done for agricultural uses and urbanization reduces the number of trees that absorb CO2 from the atmosphere. Trees, which absorb CO2 for photosynthesis, when cut release all CO2 leading to global warming.
  • Industrial processes – manufacturing industries such as of cement and chemical processing units release greenhouse gases such as CO2 and methane as by products which cause global warming.
  • Waste Management – improper waste management methods produce methane emissions leading to global warming.

Extreme Events: Unprecedented Challenges

In this section we have discussed the various events that are impacted by global warming in a long run. There are profound consequences by these occurrences and far-reaching impacts on the nature, ecosystem and communities. 


Global warming increases the frequency and intensity of heatwaves. It can cause heat related diseases in the elderly population and those with pre-existing health conditions.

Floods and rise in sea level

Warmer the air, more the moisture. This will result in heavier rainfall hence leading to increased flooding. Furthermore, melting of glaciers and ice caps will cause rise in sea level, increasing the risk of flooding in coastal regions.


Higher temperature and changing weather patterns contribute to increased risk of wildfires in many parts of the world. These fires destroy homes and habitats, as well as it may cause significant health risks due to smoke and air pollution.


Climate change leads to more frequent and severe droughts in some regions. This may have devastating effects on agriculture, water supply and ecosystem; which will impact local and urban communities. 

Impact on Human Lifestyle

  • Health Related issues – Global warming causes heat related illness, vector borne diseases and respiratory diseases. Heatwaves can cause heatstrokes, dehydration and exhaustion. Air pollution caused by wildfires and industries worsen the respiratory diseases. 
  • Food and water security – climate change affects the agricultural production, leading to food scarcity and shortage. Extreme weather events destroy crops, livestock and infracstructure threathening the food and water security of people. The changes in precipitation pattern also affects the availibity of drinking water. 
  • Migration – due to rising sea levels especially near coastal area, people are forced to relocate from vulnerable areas. Such relocation can cause social, economic and political instability.
  • Economic impact – global warming has significant economic impacts. It affects riculture, fishery and tourism. Also, it requires relief funds to repair damaged property and infrastructure. 
  • Conflicts – climate change causes increased competition for resources between communities or countries.

Efforts by UN to Control Global Warming

It requires coordinated efforts to control global warming. Many new organisations have been introduced by the UN to deal with this. Some of these organisations are United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), United Nations Enviornment Programme (UNEP), World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) and Unites Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). These organisations collaborate with government, non government and other stakeholder organisations to advance global efforts towards climate change.
the 13th sustainable development goal – climate action, says that every person in every country in every continent will be affected by climate change. Urgent and tranformative plans are crucial. It requires making climate resilient development plans ahile achieving net zero emisssions. Immediate measures are required to avoid consequences and secure resources for the future generation.

Climate Action: Technological Innovations

Technological innovations play a crucial role in addressing the challenges of global warming. Many innovations have been made to tackle with this climate change. The following are some of them:

  • Energy storage solutions – development of energy storage solutions such as battery storage systems, pumped hydro storage, etc. help conserve renewable energy resources.
  • Electric vehicles – nowadays electric vehicles are very common. This transformation into battery technology enables us to achieve zero emission transportation. 
  • Carbon capture and storage (CCS) – this technology captures carbon emissions from power plants and industries and stores it underground. This way carbon dioxide won’t enter the atmosphere and cause global warming.
  • Climate monitoring – climate monitoring is done by satellites. Satellites monitor climate patterns and changes which in-turn helps us in research and decision-making. 

Public Awareness and Education 

Public awareness and education are essential for fostering understanding, engagement and action on climate change. Many campaigns and awareness programs are held with the motive to educate people about global warming and how they can contribute towards saving the environment and resources for the future generations.

Many famous artists talk about climate change which spreads awareness among the youth. Some quotes from renowned artists are as follows: 

  • Very recently the globally famous girl group, Blackpink, talked about climate change. “We are growing up on a planet that, everyday since we were born, has gotten sicker and sicker. And since our generation is also the best connected and because we will be around to see how this story unfolds, we have to be more aware about this environmental crisis.”

As noticed, most of the followers are young, this created awareness among the young mind. 

  • On the other hand, many older artists too have used their platform to create awareness about the same through their music and incorporating themes of nature. Artists like Sting and Bono have been vocal advocates for environmental causes, using their fame to raise awareness about climate change and support efforts to combat it.

Other than artists, even schools and the government raise awareness about global warming and initiate programs to tackle it. Solutions like plantation, using electric vehicles as public transport and many other such measures have been taken at local levels to spread awareness. 

In conclusion, we must pay immediate attention to this urgent issue of global warming and take action to save the Earth and its people. While many solutions have been identified, implementation of these solutions are as important. 

Saving our planet, lifting people out of poverty, advancing economic growth… these are one and the same fight. We must connect the dots between climate change, water scarcity, energy shortages, global health, food security, and women’s empowerment. Solutions to one problem must be solutions for all. –

Ban Ki-moon